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Текст песни "Eminem - I Need A Doctor"

«Eminem - I Need A Doctor» слова песни текст

Текст песни Eminem - I Need A Doctor
[Chorus: Liz Rodriguez]
I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life
[Verse 1: Eminem]
I told the World one day I would pay it back
Say it on tape, and lay it, record it
So that one day I could play it back
But I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that
Ya'll starting to creep in, everyday it's so grey and black
Hope, I just need a ray of that
Cause no one see's my vision when I play it for 'em
They just say it's wack
They don't know what dope is
And I don't know if I was awake or asleep
When I wrote this,
All I know is you came to me when I was at my lowest
You picked me up, breeding life in me
I owe my life to you
Before the life of me, I don't see why you don't see like I do
But it just dawned on me you lost a son
See this light in you, it's dark.
Let me turn on the lights and brighten me and enlighten you
I don't think you realise what you mean to me
Not the slightest clue
Cause me and you were like a crew
I was like your sidekick
You gon either wanna fight me when I get off this fucking mic
Or you gon hug me
But I'm not an option, there's nothing else I can do cause...

[Chorus: Liz Rodriguez]
I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life

[Verse 2: Eminem]
It hurts when I see you struggle
You come to me with ideas
You say there just pieces so I'm puzzled
Cause the shit I hear is crazy
But your either getting lazy or you don't believe in you no more
Seems like your own opinions, not one you can form
Can't make a decision you keep questioning yourself
Second guessing and it's almost like your begging for my help
Like I'm your leader
Your susposed to fucking be my mentor
I can endure no more,
I demand you remember who you are
It was YOU, who believed in me
When everyone was telling you don't sign me
Everyone at

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